King of mask singer

Episode 7 Edit

Participants Round 1 Round 2 Revealed


Guest Partners


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Guest Partner




King of Masked

  • Chapter 1067: The live broadcast begins!
  • Chapter 1068: Spinach in the lead!
  • Chapter 1069: Out of control grand finals!
  • Chapter 1070: The Clown’s turn to take the stage!
  • Chapter 1071: ‘Love of a Lifetime’!
  • Chapter 1072: I’m a newcomer!
  • Chapter 1073: The Clown on the verge of elimination?
  • Chapter 1074: The Clown loses his title chances?
  • Chapter 1075: The second round of the grand finals!
  • Chapter 1076: Wild Rose’s mask falls off!
  • Chapter 1077: ‘Exaggerated’ brought to life!
  • Chapter 1078: Shocking the world!
  • Chapter 1079: The grand champion is born!
  • Chapter 1080: Gu Cheng’s ‘Life Fantasia’!
  • Chapter 1081: The Clown takes off his mask!
  • Chapter 1082: A national sensation!

Trivia Edit

  • The premiere episode’s viewership was 2.51%
  • Second episode viewership was 2,98%
  • The King of Masked Singers program team suddenly announced that the next episode of the show would kick off the revival round of the competition. Whether it was the contestants who started in the premiere episode or the replacement masked singers, all of them would be entered into the revival round as long as they had not been crowned Masked King before. Meaning that even those who still remained in the competition, as long as they had not been crowned Masked King before, would be required to compete against the contestants who had been eliminated for the remaining spots in the grand finals, which would be broadcast live. A total of five episodes had been broadcast so far, in which The Clown had taken the throne of the Masked King thrice, Petal Shower once, and Sunset Glow once. That meant that only the three of them could advance straight into the grand finals of the competition.
  • «The grand champion of the first season of King of Masked Singers is—The Clown!»
  • The show had created yet another viewership legend with the published nationwide viewership rating of the grand finals’ live broadcast standing at 3.89% and setting a new record in the process. 


En King of Mask Singer los competidores suben al escenario usando máscaras elaboradas para ocultar su identidad con el fin de eliminar así, factores tales como, la popularidad, la carrera y la edad que podrían ocasionar prejuicios, del público y del panel de jueces, en el momento de la votación.   

El programa se compone de «generaciones» dividas en 3 rondas: En la primera ronda, 8 competidores cantan en pares una misma canción. A la segunda ronda avanzan solamente 4 participantes, cantando cada uno una canción en solitario, al igual que en la tercer ronda, en donde únicamente se enfrentan 2 competidores. El ganador de la tercera ronda se convierte en el «Rey del Canto Enmascarado» de esa generación. La próxima generación se continúa con un nuevo conjunto de cantantes enmascarados que participan en las tres rondas de eliminación, cuyo finalista gana el derecho a desafiar al ganador de la generación anterior.  



The Clues Astronaut Season 3 Ep. 7 THE MASKED SINGER

The Clues Astronaut Season 3 Ep. 8 THE MASKED SINGER

The Clues Astronaut Season 3 Ep. 9 THE MASKED SINGER

The Clues Astronaut Season 3 Ep. 10 THE MASKED SINGER

The Clues Astronaut Vs. Turtle Season 3 Ep. 12 THE MASKED SINGER

The Clues Astronaut Season 3 Ep. 15 THE MASKED SINGER

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Astronaut sings «You Say» by Lauren Daigle THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3

Astronaut sings «Signed, Sealed, Delivered» by Stevie Wonder THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3

Astronaut sings “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3

Astronaut sings «Never Gonna Give You Up» by Rick Astley THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3

Astronaut sings «If I Can’t Have You» by Shawn Mendes THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3

Astronaut sings «Bye Bye Bye» by *NSYNC THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3

Astronaut sings «Story of My Life» by One Direction THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3

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El programa cuenta con la participación de los directores Min Chul-ki y Noh Si-yong, quienes cuentan con el apoyo de director creativo Seo Chang-man.​

También cuentan con los escritores Park Won-woo,​ Ahn Young-ran, Kim Hyo-jung, Woo Jung-hwa, Jung Si-yoon, Song Bo-ra y Kim Hyang-soo.

El programa es presentado por el locutor surcoreano Kim Sung-joo.

A cada competidor se les da una máscara elaborada por el diseñador Hwang Jae-geun,​ la cual les permite a los participantes esconder su identidad, permitiendo que la competencia sea justa, eliminando la popularidad, carrera y edad que puedan influir en el voto de los jueces.

A principios de marzo de la MBC anunció que una versión europea del programa había sido comisionada para Francia, Alemania y Países Bajos.​


Debido al gran interés y demanda, el programa lanzó un álbum especial, el cual consiste en una selección de grabaciones en estudio realizadas por los concursantes.​

Versiones internacionales

País Título Cadenas Presentador (es) Fecha de Inicio Fecha de Finalización
China Temporada 1 (2015):King of Mask Singer (蒙面歌王)Temporada 1 (2016):Mask Singer (蒙面唱将猜猜猜) JSTV Temporada 1 (2015):Li HaoTemporada 1 (2016):Li Hao y China Ma Ke 2015
Tailandia The Mask Singer (เดอะแมสก์ซิงเงอร์ หน้ากากนักร้อง) Workpoint TV Kan Kantathavorn 6 de octubre de 2016
Vietnam Mask Star (Mặt nạ Ngôi Sao) HTV7 Hoàng Rapper 2017
México ¿Quién es la máscara? Las Estrellas Omar Chaparro 25 de agosto de 2019
Bulgaria El cantante enmascarado (Маскираният певец) NOVA Dimitar RachkovVasil Vasilev-Zueka 14 de septiembre de 2019


El programa de competición de canto muestra a dos concursantes (quienes son famosos) que compiten cara a cara en tres rondas de eliminación y quienes usan máscaras y trajes creativos que esconden su verdadera identidad de los miembros del panel y el público, con el objetivo de que se concentren solo en sus voces.

En la primera ronda, los concursantes cantan la misma canción, mientras que en la segunda y tercera rondas cada uno canta una canción en solitario.

Los ganadores de cada par, son seleccionados por la audiencia y el panel de celebridades a través de votos.​

La identidad de los cantantes son reveladas solo cuando han sido eliminados.


Artículo principal:  Anexo:Episodios de King of Mask Singer

Cada competición dura dos episodios, donde los cantantes compiten en tres rondas de eliminación. En la primera ronda, los concursantes cantan la misma canción, mientras que en la segunda y tercera rondas cada uno canta una canción diferente, al finalizar el público y los jueces emiten sus votos.

El ganador de la tercera ronda puede desafiar al ganador de la competencia anterior y puede ser eliminado o convertirse en el nuevo «Mask King». El artista musical Ha Hyun-woo miembro del grupo «Guckkasten» obtuvo nueve victorias consecutivas (convirtiéndolo en la persona que ha logrado obtener el mayor número de victorias logradas por un concursante).

El programa se emite los domingos a las 16:50hras como parte del bloque de programación de la noche del domingo de la MBC, junto al programa Real Men.

Clues Edit

Week Clue
6 «I’ve always dreamt of flying high because I believe that if you want something enough not even gravity can hold you back. While it’s a bit crazy to leave my home planet, I’ve been hungering for a chance to explore new territories. This voyage maybe bumpy, and I may be far from home, but the idea of endless possibilities gets my heart throbbing. Midway to impact! Oh, brother! Kabloom! I’m OK. Not a pitch perfect landing, but I’m here. Now which way to the stage?»
7 «I have a whole new mission now that I’m connecting with the audience on stage. I’m loving this fresh start as the circle of life keeps spinning. It feels like I’m getting a foothold in this new world. When I was young, I was a bright star. But then I overreached and got burned. I found myself isolated and so very lonely. But in the wild, I kept wandering for what felt like 500 days using sign language until I found my own voice. Now here I am on an unexpected journey. I’m going to share my story, sing a song from a dear friend, and prove I do belong.»
8 «When I started this journey, I never knew how at-home I would feel in this space suit. It makes me kind of forget I’m still only human. But here’s my bro-pilot who knows that better than anyone.»

(Astro’s Bro-Pilot): «Astro is a great captain. He knows how to lead a crew. But sometimes he can be a total space cadet. One time, in front of thousands of people, he took a huge nose dive and fell flat on his face. Anyone else would have said bye, bye, bye, called it quits. But not Astro. He got right back up. No stumble can stop him from reaching for the Moon, and the same goes for that golden mask.»

9 «My ‘Masked Singer’ journey couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. For years, I’ve been searching for a chance to blast away lables that have been imposed on me. You see, on my old planet, something happened that changed the course of my career. I was forced to start over. But negativity made it difficult to launch again. But here, in this new world, I have an incredible support system around me. I’m free to break boundaries and explore new territories, no tether attached. I am not a competitive guy. But boy, do I want to plant my flag at that finale. And now, let’s blow the whistle on a clue that means the world to me. All right, time to rock it!»
10 Astronaut: «In a lot of ways, this face-off was inevitable because Turtle and I are almost like mirror images of each other in this competition.»

Turtle: «The panel have been making similar, sometimes the same guesses for who Astro and I under these masks.»

Astronaut: «We’ve kept the ladies swooning with our heartbreaking ballads and emotional anthems of love.»

Turtle: «And now we get to see which one of us can stand out in this heartthrob throwdown. The song I’m doing tonight is all about devastating heartbreak. And I’ve had my fair share. And if I can channel my past pain into this song, that should be enough to send Astronaut on an away mission.»

Astronaut: «In real life, I’m a shy guy. And despite the fact that I’m in a top secret space suit on this show, I feel like I’m showing more of my heart than I ever have. And that’s how I’m going to give this turtle a shellacking.»

Both: «May the best man win.»

12 Last time, I was in the bottom two. And I almost went… It was a rude awakening. While I’m counting my lucky stars, I’m still afloat in this space race. I know I need to adapt faster to this new world. Back on my home planet, I was very comfortable for a very long time. But then I started to feel like I was frozen, like I’d stopped growing. So I decided to light my candle and seek out new worlds. So you just watch, as I work harder to become more human. Tonight, I’m rewriting the story of my life on this stage.»
Week Connection
8 Lego Nicole: Mall
Week Super Clue
9 Broken Record
Week What’s in the Bag?
10 WARNING Do Not Open!AccordionLightbulbWhite HouseAirplane
Week Masked Munchies
12 King Cake
Clue Answers
The Orion constellation in Astronaut’s package is a clue to Hunter’s name, because Orion is a hunter.
The bridge in Astronaut’s package is a clue to Hunter’s hometown of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana.
Astronaut’s mention of getting help from the mob is a clue to «Godfather» star, Robert Duvall, who gave Hunter his first guitar.
Other Clue Answers



Fecha Episodio TNmS (%) AGB Nielsen (%)
Nacional  Seúl  Nacional  Seúl 
18-Febrero-2015 Piloto 12.2 13.8 9.8 10.0
05-Abril-2015 01 9.9 10.3 9.9 12.4
12-Abril-2015 02 8.7 9.7 7.9 8.6
19-Abril-2015 03 10.7 12.2 10.7 11.6
26-Abril-2015 04 8.2 9.7 7.6 8.1
03-Mayo-2015 05 9.4 10.8 9.6 10.2
10-Mayo-2015 06 9.9 11.2 10.1 10.9
17-Mayo-2015 07 9.9 12.1 9.8 10.8
24-Mayo-2015 08 9.4 11.4 7.7 8.3
31-Mayo-2015 09 10.2 12.6 10.4 10.5
07-Junio-2015 10 11.3 13.8 11.3 12.0
14-Junio-2015 11 11.0 12.5 10.2 10.8
21-Junio-2015 12 10.5 12.5 10.3 11.3
28-Junio-2015 13 11.2 13.5 10.7 12.1
05-Julio-2015 14 11.7 14.2 11.4 12.8
12-Julio-2015 15 12.3 14.4 13.5 14.0
19-Julio-2015 16 11.9 14.5 12.5 13.3
26-Julio-2015 17 11.9 14.5 12.7 13.8
02-Agosto-2015 18 12.0 14.6 11.9 13.1
09-Agosto-2015 19 10.8 13.1 11.0 12.2
16-Agosto-2015 20 12.0 15.0 13.0 14.0
23-Agosto-2015 21 11.9 14.2 12.7 14.5
30-Agosto-2015 22 12.7 15.3 15.1 16.2
06-Septiembre-2015 23 14.1 16.4 14.0 14.6

Programa Especial:

E’n vivo

9.6 11.6 10.0 10.6
13-Septiembre-2015 24 13.2 15.6 13.5 14.1
20-Septiembre-2015 25 12.6 14.2 13.5 14.5
27-Septiembre-2015 26 12.0 12.9 11.1 11.0
04-Octubre-2015 27 12.9 15.1 13.7 14.2
11-Octubre-2015 28 13.9 15.6 14.1 14.6
18-Octubre-2015 29 13.1 16.4 12.8 13.6
25-Octubre-2015 30 12.6 15.1 12.7 13.3

Premios y nominaciones

Año Categoría Premio Nominado (a) Resultado
Global Trend Award 2019 MBC Entertainment Award King of Mask Singer Ganó
Excellence Award (Sitcom) MBC Entertainment Award Kim Hyun-chul Ganó
New Star Award (Sitcom) MBC Entertainment Award Kai Ganó
PD Award MBC Entertainment Award King of Mask Singer Ganó
Special Award (Music Show) MBC Entertainment Award Sohyang Ganó
Best Teamwork Award 16th MBC Entertainment Award King of Mask Singer Ganó
Program of the Year 16th MBC Entertainment Award King of Mask Singer Ganó
Female Rookie Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Park Jin-joo Ganó
Female Rookie Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Lee Sun-bin Nominada
Female Rookie Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Shin Go-eun Ganó
Male Rookie Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Roy Kim Nominado
Female Excellence Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Ali Nominada
Female Excellence Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Sol Bi Ganó
Male Excellence Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Lee Yoon-seok Nominado
Male Excellence Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Yoo Young-seok Ganó
PD’s Award 16th MBC Entertainment Award Kim Gura Ganó
Top Excellence Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Kim Gu-ra Nominado
Top Excellence Award in Music/Talk Show 16th MBC Entertainment Award Kim Sung-joo Ganó
Grand Prize (Daesang) 16th MBC Entertainment Award Kim Sung-joo Nominado
Special Award 16th MBC Entertainment Award Ha Hyun-woo Ganó
Musician Category 43rd Korean Broadcasting Grand Prize Ha Hyun-woo Ganó
Best Entertainment Program 52nd Baeksang Arts Award King of Mask Singer Ganó
Best Male Variety Performer 52nd Baeksang Arts Award Kim Sung-joo Nominado
Best Male Variety Performer 51st Baeksang Arts Award Kim Sung-joo Nominado
Top Excellence Award for Music/Talk Show (Male) MBC Entertainment Award Kim Sung-joo Ganó
Rookie Award for Music/Talk Show (Male) MBC Entertainment Award Kim Hyung-seok Ganó
Special Award MBC Entertainment Award Shin Bong-sun Ganó
Grand Prize (Daesang) MBC Entertainment Award Kim Gu-ra Ganó
Excellence Award for Music/Talk Show (Male) MBC Entertainment Award Kim Yeon-woo Ganó
Best Writer Award MBC Entertainment Award Park Won-woo Ganó

Clues Edit

Week Clue
2 «I’m excited to be here, because in my family, anonymity is a completely alien concept. Growing up in the public’s eye, my life was never really my own. I let others define me, but no one will ever control me again. With this mask on, the tables are turned. I see you, but you can’t see me. And now, for the first time ever, the world gets to hear my voice on my terms.»
4 «Last time, performing in a mask was much harder than I expected. I could barely see, and it hurt to hear some of the comments from the panel. But that feeling of experiencing total anonymity reminded me of being a young child, before the whole world knew me and my family’s name. You may think I’m out of fashion. But I’m here to rise above all that. And tonight, I’m going to push myself to the limit and show you all what I’m capable of.»
5 «Being in this competition has been such an incredible experience. I spent my entire life under a microscope, poked and prodded. And for the first time, I’m unknown. No one talks to me or sees me. I’m finally getting some peace and quiet, and I love it. Growing up, I always craved the simple life. Ooh, that’s hot. But it seems being born in a famous family, I was destined for the limelight. I mean, I’m only human, even when I put this mask on. And tonight, what I’m bringing to this performance is how I’m feeling inside, happy.»
7 «During the last performance, I finally got the panel to recognize my voice and not just my body. Not winning now would be criminal. And I know a thing or two about the law. Welcome to Alien and Alien Associates. Have you been convicted of a crime against fashion? Have you ever fallen off of the runway? Whether you’re from the Bu, or the Moulin Rouge, find us at 52°2’N — 57°66’E. We are the world’s best law firm. All calls are $19.56 per minute.»
Week Physical Clue
5 Police Badge
Clue Answers
The commercial in Alien’s package referred to La Toya’s dream of becoming a business law attorney.
The police badge referred to the badge La Toya earned while starring in the show «Armed and Famous.»
Other Clue Answers


  • Los nombres de los concursantes no son revelados a menos que hayan sido eliminados.
  • En el Episodio 1, transmitido el 5 de abril de 2015, Solji estuvo como invitada por haber ganado el título de «Mask King» en el episodio piloto.
  • Luna reveló en el programa Radio Star que, incluso antes de que su identidad fuera revelada, IU fue la primera en reconocerla, mandándole un mensaje que decía: «Luna Gold Lacquer, ¿tu canto ha mejorado mucho?».
  • El 2 de enero de 2019 la cadena estadounidense FOX estrenó un remake del programa titulado “The Masked Singer» el cual registró las más altas calificaciones de audiencia para un programa de variedades de la cadena FOX en los últimos siete años.
  • Tendrá un remake en Francia, Alemania y los Países Bajos. En Francia, será transmitido por la cadena TF1, que no solo se transmite en Francia, sino también en Suiza y Bélgica.
  • El 25 de Agosto de 2019 la cadena Mexicana Televisa en colaboración con Endemol Shine Group estrenó un remake del programa titulado «¿Quién es la Máscara?». Televisa es la segunda cadena en el continente americano en obtener los derechos de King of Mask Singer.


Nombre Ficticio Identidad Número de Generaciones Ganadas
Self-Luminous Mosaic Solji (EXID) 1 (Episodio Piloto)
Used Two Buckets of Gold Lacquer Luna (F(x)) 2 (Generación 1 y 2)
Jingle Jingle Lark Jinju 1 (Generación 3)
CBR Cleopatra Kim Yeon Woo 4 (Generación 4, 5, 6 y 7)
King of Song Tungki Lee Jung 1 (Generación 8)
Don’t reveal your spiciness, Miss Pepper Yeo Eun (Melody Day) 1 (Generación 9)
Go! Hawaii Hong Ji Min 2 (Generación 10 y 11)
Write With Love Pencil Sonya 1 (Generación 12)
Young and Innocent Cosmos Gummy 4 (Generación 13,14,15,16)
Amazon Cat — Girl Cha Ji Yeon 5 (Generación 17,18,19, 20, 21)
Music Commander in my Town Ha Hyun Woo (Guckkasten) 9 (Generación 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)
Job Seeker The One 2 (Generación 31 y 32)
Romantic Black Knight Roy Kim 2 (Generación 33 y 34)
Bulgwangdong Gasoline Kim Yeon Ji 1 (Generación 35)
I’m Excited Hurray Radio Jung Dong Ha 4 (Generación 36, 37, 38 y 39)
Popcorn Girl Takes Your Order ALi 3 (Generación 40, 41 y 42)
Tin Man with a Burning Heart Shin Yong Jae (4MEN) 3 (Generación 43, 44 y 45)
Mysticist Baby Angel Kim Myung Hoon (Ulala Session) 1 (Generación 46)
Red Bean Warrior Anpan Prince Hwan Hee (Fly to the Sky) 3 (Generación 47, 48 y 49)
Nimble Gangnam Swallow Lee Bong Gu 1 (Generación 50)
Singing Puss in Boots Lee Hae Ri (Davichi) 2 (Generación 51 y 52)
Spirited Lady on the Ninth Rank So Hyang 6 (Generación 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 y 58)
0 Calories If You Taste MC Hamburger Kim Jo Han 1 (Generación 59)
The Sea Otter Baby Seahorse K.Will 1 (Generación 60)
Yeonghui Ock Joo Hyun 2 (Generación 61 y 62)
Prince of Tree Frog Kwon Jung Yeol 2 (Generación 63 y 64)
Red Mouth Sunwoo Jung A 5 (Generación 65, 66, 67, 68 y 69)
Gypsy Woman Ivy 1 (Generación 70)
The East Invincibility Son Seung Yeon 8 (Generación 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 y 78)
Bob Ross Han Dong Geun 3 (Generación 79, 80 y 81)
Dongmakgol Girl Heo Sol Ji 5 (Generación 82, 83, 84, 85 y 86)
Giant Chestnuts of Bread Muzie 3 (Generación 87, 88 y 89)
Eagle Lee Hyun 4 (Generación 90, 91, 92 y 93)
Widow Jang Eun Ah 1 (Generación 94)
Klimt Hae Na 3 (Generación 95, 96 y 97)
Gulliver Lee Won Suk 5 (Generación 98, 99, 100, 101 y 102)
Nightingale Lee Bo Ram 3 (Generación 103, 140 y 105)
Genie Cho Kyu Hyun 5 (Generación 106, 107, 108, 109 y 110)
Comic Book Hero 1 (Generación 111)
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